Sunday, February 26, 2012


Greenhouse gas emissions are enhancing the
greenhouseeffect.  Image from
Anthropogenic climate change is a major problem that current and future generations cannot afford to ignore.  If nothing is done to curb the human causes of climate change, then the world may experience severe and irreversible effects, including a dramatic decrease in biodiversity, rises in sea level and extreme weather events which will threaten human livelihood.  Climate change not only affects the natural environment, but it directly affects human health, economics, and society.

Ice caps are melting and glaciers are retreating, affecting freshwater availability
 and causing rises in sea level.  Image from

Deforestation results in less carbon dioxide uptake.  Image from


  1. Great introduction! Good visual aids as well
    -Megan Walter

  2. Good show! I found no errors in your writing, and your style is solid; very readable and authoritative. Not sure If the captions under the figures are your sources for the text or not. You should include some citations somewhere.

    -joel williams
